Review of the The Prosodic Structure of the Persian Language: Lexical Stress and intonation

Document Type : Research Paper


University of Zanjan


The present paper tries to review the The Prosodic Struture of the Persian Language: Lexical Stress and intonation and by introducing its content and revealing the authors original and scientific findings in the book, reminds some points that have not been paid enough attention by author. The goal behind the book is the phonetics of Persian prosodic system in which the author investigates the categorical elements of the prosodic system in a quantitative way. The author considers the intonational elements as qualities that have function in language; then he explains the phonetic properties of these elements in different phonetic contexts. The author brings together the articulatory phonetics, acoustic phonetics and auditory phonetics in order to explain the intonation system of Persian and this is one of the noticeable features of the book and for this reason he has put forward and solved lots of problems and also raised questions that each of them requires separate research.


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