A Critical survey on Academic books: Pathology of Clichés

Document Type : Research Paper


Assistant Professor of Persian language and literature, University of Isfahan


Language plays an important role in academic research in transferring scientific concepts and findings. In recent years, neglecting the grammatical rules and incorrect use of words in these texts has disturbed messaging and seriously damaged language, one of those is repeated and hasty application of some words and phrases which has resulted in linguistic clichés. Clichés are used extensively in academic texts with no thought and cause damage to the language by repetitive patterns, incorrect use of words, use of slang and literary language and ambiguity, which in turn has reduced the clarity and expression of statement. In this paper, we survey linguistic clichés in six academic books to explain the disadvantages of clichés in academic texts and design solutions for correcting them. The results of this study show that clichés are used in different places (at the beginning, in the middle, or at the end of the text), and are formed in different ways: Calque, the affected language by Folk language, the use of literary hackneyed phrases, and neglecting the meaning of the word and changing its meaning. In order to correct the clichés, we can use the grammatical capacities of the Persian language as using the adverbs, conjunctions, appositive and so on. Plus, we can remove clichés by correcting use of punctuation marks.


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